Friday, January 23, 2009

I Pledge. . .

. . . to continue to do what I've always done, which is to love my country, support our troops, and stockpile lot's of ammunition for the looming Zombie Apocalypse.

Hollywood Celebrities decided that now that we have a hip and cool president, that it is ok to be American and now we have an obligation to come together and change the world and bring hope and peace to all.

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Gag me.

Yo, people who make an extraordinarily large amount of money for looking pretty and pretending to be somebody else, why do you think I care one iota about your pledge to be better Americans now that we got a popular president in office? Is this all about togetherness and being one to end hunger and live in a happy society because the lord Obama has deemed it so?

Why couldn't you use your own initiative to do something before? Does it take the leadership of a democrat to make you work for greater good?

See, I'm not going to change and become more patriotic because there's a new president in the white house, despite whether I voted for him or not. I think that's a big difference between Liberals and Conservatives.

A lot of liberals, as loud and obnoxious as they can be, tend to only be proud to be American when a President they voted for is in office.

Conservatives love their country and are proud to be American no matter who is in office.

Hat Tip - Rightwingnews, Big Hollywood and Hotair

UPDATE - I have a confession to make. I couldn't stomach watching this thing all the way through at first. But somebody showed me the very end, and I about had it in with the creep factor. Watch the last thirty seconds, and let me suggest something that most people who are somewhat educated understand.

We don't serve the President. The president serves the People.

Unless their intent is to see Barack Obama as their new Dictator-in-Chief.

Iowahawk says it best

1 comment:

  1. There aren't enough buwwets, chain saws, or flaming torches on earth to keep us safe from this mob.

    Thanks. Now I won't sleep for days.
