Friday, January 30, 2009


When is this mess ever going to end? Seriously?

Why is the topic of politics really such a polarizing topic that is conducive to starting arguments anyhow?

We went out to eat sushi today and we started discussing politics and we had to quickly change the topic to keep it civil. But it was at this discussion that I came to realize something.

You know, I really don't have a problem with Obama as a person. Because truthfully, he is just a person doing probably the most alienating job in the world, and there is no way anybody could pay me enough to want to be president, seriously. I don't see how anybody would want to run for president. I have a problem with him as a politician. Kind of like like I have a problem with all politicians, but mostly liberal ones. I disagree with their viewpoints and their stances and what not. Like I highly disagree with this stimulus (no wait, it's a recovery bill now, right?) that I think is not going to fix anything.

But honestly, I have discovered the people i really like to poke fun at are his die hard followers who can't seem to see past the subtle fact that Obama happens to be another person who happens to speak very well, which is generally what Politicians do. But the first thing I would like to note is that he is a Politician. When can you ever trust a politician? Never, that's when. You can't trust anything they say, you have to trust them on their actions.

Which is kind of difficult with our current President.

Anyhow, I'll try to keep the Obama bashing to a minimum. But his minions are fair game.

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