Saturday, January 31, 2009

On Writing

"Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster, and fling him to the public."
-Sir Winston Churchill

A family member gave me a bookmark with this quote on it and it is indeed a true statement. Writing is one of my hobbies, and often one that consumes a lot of time I have. And it isn't so much the blogging aspect of writing but rather the idea of writing a story.

I spend a lot of my time daydreaming, mainly creating other worlds and writing stories along with them in my head. I've done this for as long as I can remember, when i was a child I would fall to sleep to a story I was creating and the next night I would continue to flesh out the story from the night previous. I don't know who does this, but I did it a lot. In fact, my stories would get so complex as I developed them that I didn't remember where they began. I would play act stories as well, my brother and I would play War with stuffed animals and would continue our story each time we played. It progressed to figures as I got older, until I got to old to play, but I was always creating these stories and these characters, all of which I don't remember now and I wonder about it.

I didn't actually start writing down these stories until I was seventeen, when in a writing class I was told to write a story about a character. I did so, and I liked the character so much I decided to write more about him. And my addiction to writing began.

I have a bajillion stories in my head at any given moment I assume. My writing is far from clean and coherent. My first story is so painful to read now due to grammar errors and style (though the story itself isn't bad) that I've wanted to rewrite it, and have tried except for I have come across a problem, that story has already been told, I am not interested in retelling it.

If I could have any profession in the world, I think I would be most satisfied with being an author. People have asked me why i don't publish my stories or at least allow people to read them and I have thought about this myself. However, I see my stories as something for myself and it feels odd to share them. Also, I think the subject matter I dwelve into has something to do with that.

I'm not interested in happy stories apparently. If I care about a character, I put them through a hardship that no sane person should ever have to endure. Its the precise opposite of what I would want somebody to go through in real life I would think. But I have discovered that this is how I personofy my character, how they become real to me is how they handle various hardships. Recurring themes are also present, making me wonder if I'm just writing the same story with a different set of characters under slightly different circumstances.

But i think it is the nature of the hardships these characters face that makes me reluctant to let anybody read them. Being a conservative, my writing sometimes appears to be the antithesis to my beliefs, and I would think that a lot of people would look at the story and wonder what I was thinking when i wrote it. Why would I be interested in this.

I think my stories also help me articulate how I view different stances, or looking at a social issue, I tackle that issue and let the story write itself. And I think in some ways, the stories reflect myself, making them deeply personal. As I think about it now, looking at my stories and how they are written, it makes me wonder how I illustrate various aspects of the story and tackle recurring themes.

At last count, I think I have close to eight or nine stories (some are continuations or closely linked to others, so the count is a little skewed on account of that) that are rather lengthy, in the neightborhood of 200+ pages, with the longest somewhere around 600. And there is no end for some of them that I see.

And every now and then, i will go on a writing binge where all i want to do is write.

Yes, this is a monster of a hobby that can suck your life away.

I need a new hobby. One that doesn't kill my time like writing does.

Friday, January 30, 2009


When is this mess ever going to end? Seriously?

Why is the topic of politics really such a polarizing topic that is conducive to starting arguments anyhow?

We went out to eat sushi today and we started discussing politics and we had to quickly change the topic to keep it civil. But it was at this discussion that I came to realize something.

You know, I really don't have a problem with Obama as a person. Because truthfully, he is just a person doing probably the most alienating job in the world, and there is no way anybody could pay me enough to want to be president, seriously. I don't see how anybody would want to run for president. I have a problem with him as a politician. Kind of like like I have a problem with all politicians, but mostly liberal ones. I disagree with their viewpoints and their stances and what not. Like I highly disagree with this stimulus (no wait, it's a recovery bill now, right?) that I think is not going to fix anything.

But honestly, I have discovered the people i really like to poke fun at are his die hard followers who can't seem to see past the subtle fact that Obama happens to be another person who happens to speak very well, which is generally what Politicians do. But the first thing I would like to note is that he is a Politician. When can you ever trust a politician? Never, that's when. You can't trust anything they say, you have to trust them on their actions.

Which is kind of difficult with our current President.

Anyhow, I'll try to keep the Obama bashing to a minimum. But his minions are fair game.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bush Gaffes vs Obama Gaffes

So, did you hear how Obama tried to walk into the Whitehouse using the window instead of the door? It was an innocent mistake really, but it falls in line with some blatant hypocracy from the left when a similar incident happened to Bush in Beijing. People used this as an example of how stupid Bush was, when it was really just a simple mistake. How was Bush to know that door was locked?

See, in my opinion, these little mistakes are meant to be laughed at and nothing more. Bush was chronic for them, and it appears that Obama is not immune either.

I don't really see Obama saying '57 states' was really that important, more of a slip of the tongue when it is obvious he meant 47 states. Big deal.

And of course, don't forget the self described genius Joe Biden and his penchant for mispeaks.

But it's the same with Bush. Bush is not an idiot like some people would have you believe. He did attend an ivy league college after all. Bush sometimes did some dumb things, but he could laugh at it and people laughed with him (or at him, depending on your political views).

I find it funny, however, how some people react to the President when he makes a mistake. It was easy to laugh at Bush for eight years, but the Messiah is above this. How could anybody make fun of Obama! He's perfect, just prone to mistakes from time to time.

Sure, whatever, he's prone to mistakes, which means he was human, like Bush was. But I am sick of people stating how brilliant Obama is when he has made similar mispeaks when they point and laugh at Bush and use his mispeaks as evidence against his intellect.

I've had my misgivings with Bush, who was definitely a Moderate but many democrats fail to see how moderate he really was, but I think his little 'Bushisms' are harmless for the most part. I'll admit I am guilty of the same thing.

But because Bush is a Republican, people will always hold that against him. Look at Dan Quayle, he'll never live down that title merely because of an innocent mistake involving the word Potato.

I don't hold Obama's mispeaks and gaffes against him, but I'll laugh at them, especially if they are telling of who he is, like distributing the wealth being good for everybody.

Did you hear the latest bit? Apparently since he's from Hawaii (he hasn't lived there in years) he likes to be warm, so he turned the heat in the oval office up. Where's that Chicago Toughness he was talking about in regards to snow in DC? Rather, it looks like hypocracy and naivity.

Sounds like he can talk the talk, and he certainly can talk, but I have yet to see this guy really walk the walk. Do as I say, not as I do. Isn't that the model for Democrats?

So if Obama and Biden have their little Gaffe Parades going on, don't mind me if I point them out and make fun of them. Since the left has been doing the same thing to Bush for years and now is all offended that somebody would dare do the same to Obama.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus Package - Complete with Lard

Remember back when Bush wanted $85 Billion for the War in Iraq and how the liberals were all muttering what a waste of money this was and he couldn't get it passed unless it was lauded down with a bunch of Pork?

People were hysterical by the sheer amount of money 85 billion was.

Fast forward, a few years later, we've already approved a $700 billion TARP bill bailout that most people are opposed to and now we have a President who wants to cram an Economic Stimulus down our throats to the tune of $825 Billion dollars. And he's trying to encourage it to be passed now, to get the job done because we need to do this right away.

I have a feeling why he wants to get it done *now!* Because the sooner it gets passed, the sooner all of the liberal pet projects that are laden in this bill can get funding without being nixed. Because if we take to long to get it passed, people might notice exactly what is going on here. So Obama is all 'we need to get this done ASAP!'

I told a friend once that I'll consider Obama a fairly successful president (as much as I can hope from a very liberal president with no experience) if three things happen. He keeps me safe, he fixes the economy, and he lets me keep my guns.

I'm already disappointed because I see two out of three going down hill really fast.

At least the Republicans are growing a backbone by voting down this mess of a Crap Sandwich as Michelle Malkin puts it

Monday, January 26, 2009


This is my new wallpaper for my laptop. You can never have enough guns.

I Pledge, Continued

Here is a continuation of that 'presidential pledge' I posted about earlier.

Be sure to view the previous one to get the full effect.

H/T - Hotair

Friday, January 23, 2009

I Pledge. . .

. . . to continue to do what I've always done, which is to love my country, support our troops, and stockpile lot's of ammunition for the looming Zombie Apocalypse.

Hollywood Celebrities decided that now that we have a hip and cool president, that it is ok to be American and now we have an obligation to come together and change the world and bring hope and peace to all.

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Gag me.

Yo, people who make an extraordinarily large amount of money for looking pretty and pretending to be somebody else, why do you think I care one iota about your pledge to be better Americans now that we got a popular president in office? Is this all about togetherness and being one to end hunger and live in a happy society because the lord Obama has deemed it so?

Why couldn't you use your own initiative to do something before? Does it take the leadership of a democrat to make you work for greater good?

See, I'm not going to change and become more patriotic because there's a new president in the white house, despite whether I voted for him or not. I think that's a big difference between Liberals and Conservatives.

A lot of liberals, as loud and obnoxious as they can be, tend to only be proud to be American when a President they voted for is in office.

Conservatives love their country and are proud to be American no matter who is in office.

Hat Tip - Rightwingnews, Big Hollywood and Hotair

UPDATE - I have a confession to make. I couldn't stomach watching this thing all the way through at first. But somebody showed me the very end, and I about had it in with the creep factor. Watch the last thirty seconds, and let me suggest something that most people who are somewhat educated understand.

We don't serve the President. The president serves the People.

Unless their intent is to see Barack Obama as their new Dictator-in-Chief.

Iowahawk says it best

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Biff with Obama

I refused to watch the inaugeration yesterday. I wasn't feeling well to begin with and I wanted to keep some of my stomach.

You see, I'm not exactly thrilled with our new president. And I will respect his office becuase he was elected president. But I just thought I had better things to do with my time then to listen to a lot of TV pundits go on and on about how great Obama is. Nobody has any criticism for this guy?

Even comedians appear to be lamenting that there is nothing to mock about this new 'hip and cool' president who appears the only qualifications for the office he holds is he's an ivy league college grad, been in the senate for two seconds, and he speaks well. And don't forget he's black, which appears to be the primary reason for likely half of the people who voted for him voted for him.

I noticed some of my liberal friends were commenting, "We have a black president now! History is being made! This is incredible!"

All I am thinking is, what have we done? We just elected an inexperienced individual to the most powerful office in the world. But don't worry, it won't be that for long. As soon as Obama becomes President of the World, he won't need to be in the silly office of President of the United States anymore. If there even is one.

Am I being a little harsh and possibly judgemental? Maybe. But I'll give the man this. I'll give him six months to prove to me that he has the capacity to lead this nation into something other then total economic ruin and failure. That's more then a lot of people gave Bush, who were criticizing him from the moment he took office. But nobody can have a negative thing to say about Obama. If you dare raise question of his awesomeness to his faithful followers, they will wonder how you could be so unpatriotic as to defy the exhaulted one?

You know, the liberals have been harping that the myth of the quote 'dissent is the highest form of patriotism' to me for the last eight years as their reasoning for lamenting what they call the 'Bush fiasco' or whatever. So what if conservatives dissented against a liberal president for once? Where would that lead us? Remember, conservatives are the ones with the guns.

Now, do I want Obama to fail? Absolutely not. At least, I can only Hope that he doesn't plunge our economy with massive deficits and manages to keep our nation safe. But I'm not holding my breath on this guy who campaigned on empty promises of 'Hope and Change' so that the words have lost all purpose and meaning other then to go synonymously with Obama.

But I'll give him this. He has some pretty adorable daughters.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Repealing the Twenty-Second Ammendment

I found this interesting. I'm curious to how often an ammendment like this comes up for a vote.



1st Session

H. J. RES. 5

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.


January 6, 2009

Mr. SERRANO introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary



Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:


‘The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.’.

So far we have had a very peaceful transfer of power. I'm curious as to what it will be like in four years if the Messiah turns out to be a great failure that I think he will be and gets voted out.

Regardless, we have a new president. his name is Barack Obama. May God have mercy on us all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


This must be the fancy place where I introduce myself, and my blog.

I am an individual who has had a web presence in the past. for reasons I cannot go into detail with here, I had to convert into a more anonymous presence. Not to say that I mind if you can figure out who I am or my previous slightly infamous webspace, because it's more of a case of starting from scratch so I don't have the insane amount of readership or perhaps the increasingly searchability of finding me on the internets that I did before. It often ended up as nothing but trouble before. But I enjoy blogging so the point of it now is to allow me to keep doing it without the pesky problem of being personally known for what I write.

So this is me starting over again.

So, what can you come to discover about me and the purpose of this blog? I guess it can be divided into different categories. For instance...

Opinion - This is probably what I will post most. My opinions on anything I want to discuss. Mostly my opinions are political in nature. And I am a conservative. Hence the link to the conservative blog roll to the right.

Hobbies - I might post stuff in regards to hobbies of mine. My hobbies are diverse and include art, photography, writing, and adrenaline enducing sports, among other things. Whatever the case, if I do something I wish to share, I might share it.

Adventures - If I go and do anything worht noting, it might find itself under this label. Like skydiving, or bungee jumping, or such.

Travel - It kind of goes hand in hand with adventures, sometimes. I tend to travel a lot.

Work - This is one place where I can't go into a lot of detail. But every so often, if I find tales worth telling, where I can remain somewhat vague on what it is I do, maybe I'll share? Or maybe not.

Personal - While maintaining my anonymous nature, I might be able to share a thing or to about, well, myself. It goes under this tab.

I'll think of some other things to share with. Later.