Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bush Gaffes vs Obama Gaffes

So, did you hear how Obama tried to walk into the Whitehouse using the window instead of the door? It was an innocent mistake really, but it falls in line with some blatant hypocracy from the left when a similar incident happened to Bush in Beijing. People used this as an example of how stupid Bush was, when it was really just a simple mistake. How was Bush to know that door was locked?

See, in my opinion, these little mistakes are meant to be laughed at and nothing more. Bush was chronic for them, and it appears that Obama is not immune either.

I don't really see Obama saying '57 states' was really that important, more of a slip of the tongue when it is obvious he meant 47 states. Big deal.

And of course, don't forget the self described genius Joe Biden and his penchant for mispeaks.

But it's the same with Bush. Bush is not an idiot like some people would have you believe. He did attend an ivy league college after all. Bush sometimes did some dumb things, but he could laugh at it and people laughed with him (or at him, depending on your political views).

I find it funny, however, how some people react to the President when he makes a mistake. It was easy to laugh at Bush for eight years, but the Messiah is above this. How could anybody make fun of Obama! He's perfect, just prone to mistakes from time to time.

Sure, whatever, he's prone to mistakes, which means he was human, like Bush was. But I am sick of people stating how brilliant Obama is when he has made similar mispeaks when they point and laugh at Bush and use his mispeaks as evidence against his intellect.

I've had my misgivings with Bush, who was definitely a Moderate but many democrats fail to see how moderate he really was, but I think his little 'Bushisms' are harmless for the most part. I'll admit I am guilty of the same thing.

But because Bush is a Republican, people will always hold that against him. Look at Dan Quayle, he'll never live down that title merely because of an innocent mistake involving the word Potato.

I don't hold Obama's mispeaks and gaffes against him, but I'll laugh at them, especially if they are telling of who he is, like distributing the wealth being good for everybody.

Did you hear the latest bit? Apparently since he's from Hawaii (he hasn't lived there in years) he likes to be warm, so he turned the heat in the oval office up. Where's that Chicago Toughness he was talking about in regards to snow in DC? Rather, it looks like hypocracy and naivity.

Sounds like he can talk the talk, and he certainly can talk, but I have yet to see this guy really walk the walk. Do as I say, not as I do. Isn't that the model for Democrats?

So if Obama and Biden have their little Gaffe Parades going on, don't mind me if I point them out and make fun of them. Since the left has been doing the same thing to Bush for years and now is all offended that somebody would dare do the same to Obama.

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