Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moving from Stimulus to Mortgages

Watch this news clip, it's brilliance!

So, now that the Stimulus is a done deal, Obama is looking on who to bail out next, and of course, its those poor people who are going to lose their homes due to whatever reason.

Home ownership is not a right. It is purely a privelege. I don't own a home myself because I am not in a position to buy a home. So I pay rent. And I'm an Angry Renter

Well, aren't we responsible people who are paying our mortgages on time and doing the responsible thing by renting before buying feeling snuckered now? Obama is going to help bail out bad mortgages so these unresponsible people don't have to worry about losing the homes they couldn't afford in the first place.

I have been leary about this housing bubble for some time.

1 comment:

  1. The whole thing just makes me sick. It's not bad enough that the gummint is giving away more money than I can wrap my mind around to conceive of, but they're also giving away money they don't have. Where's it coming from? Its being borrowed! Yay! We have interest to cover on top of the capital that we don't have in the first place! We gotta vote the bums out.
